Ram Singh Munda,35,rides a bicycle with his pet sloth bear in Gahatagaon,india.

Ram Singh Munda and his daughter feed Rani.
Ram Singh Munda and his pet on bicycle

It was supposed to be a  heartly tale of a man from india who brought an orphaned bear cub home from forest of eastern India to become a part of his family, consoling his small daughter who has just lost her mother. But when wildlife officials saw the story in local media,it turned to tragedy. Ram Singh Munda was arrested and jailed for voilating wildlife laws,the bear was sent to a zoo.where it has refused to eat,and the abandoned 6 years old daughter has been shipped off to a state-running boarding school.After his arrest many political parties,human rights activist and animal lovers had staged protests for the release.After the arrest Ram Munda's daughter,Gulaki,was admitted in school at KIIT,Bhubaneswar,India.He was released on bail after 10 days and givena job in an organization in Bhubaneswar he was later acquitted on all charges as there was a lack of witnes.


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